Travis Bean. Oct 18, 2019
“Much like many filmmakers do with cities in fictional narrative form, New Bauhaus director Alysa Nahmias allows Chicago to become a living, breathing entity that pulsates with Moholy-Nagy’s romantic outlook on the world in documentary form. By the end of the movie, you won’t just admire Moholy-Nagy—you’ll want to be just like him.”
“You’ll never look at a bar of Dove soap the same way after watching this.”
Ben Kenigsberg. Jul 20, 2021
“[Moholy-Nagy] deserves to be remembered as one of the great artists of the 20th century ”
“..a good primer, well illustrated.”
“Alysa Nahmias designs an aptly stylish documentary on the life, ideas and impact of Hungarian artist László Moholy-Nagy, who taught design in Chicago.”
Alex Greenberger. Jul 16, 2021
“…as The New Bauhaus argues, the less visible aspects of Moholy-Nagy’s influence—the people he touched and the artists he fostered—are what make him important. He would have likely agreed with this documentary’s stance. As he once said, “I do not believe in art so much as mankind. Man reveals himself. Much of it is art.”
Elizabeth Gerber. Dec 2, 2020
“…the innovative structure of The New Bauhaus film operates in a similar fashion. Moholy's years in Chicago leading the school serve as a throughline in the film's story, as it moves among different aspects of his life and career organized by his interests in a multitude of materials and approaches”
“Viewers can only hope but aspire to the creed by which Moholy-Nagy lived his life.”
Elisa Wouk Almino. Nov 24, 2020
“The Hungarian-born artist worked in so many media that it is hard to sum up his craft. From experimental photographer to graphic designer and metalsmith, Moholy-Nagy was also an influential teacher.”
Caroline Williamson. Mar 23, 2020
“His life, legacy, and work remain inspiring, perfect for these times, which can be seen in the upcoming documentary called The New Bauhaus, directed by Alysa Nahmias. Get a peek below at the just released trailer!”
Paul Petrunia. Feb 13, 2020
“On this episode of Archinect Sessions, we’re sharing a conversation I had with Alysa Nahmias, the director and producer of the documentary film ‘The New Bauhaus.’”
Jane Margolies. Oct 5, 2019
“Today, when newcomers to America are often regarded as suspect, Petter Ringbom and Marquise Stillwell of Opendox, the film’s production company, seek to highlight Moholy-Nagy‘s contributions as an immigrant. He never gained the recognition of Bauhaus leaders like Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, but Moholy-Nagy kept alive ‘the idea of unifying different disciplines,’ said Mr. Ringbom, also the film’s cinematographer.” Read +
Siska Lyssens. Oct 18, 2019
”It is not the person ignorant of writing, but the one ignorant of photography, who will be the illiterate of the future,’ states modernist polymath László Moholy-Nagy – as performed by Hans-Ulrich Obrist – in the documentary film The New Bauhaus, directed by Alysa Nahmias. The film, which honours the movement’s centenary with a close look at the seminal legacy and practice of the Bauhaus master, premiered globally at the Architecture & Design Film Festival on Wednesday night.” Read +
Essia Sahli. Dec 5, 2018
”Tra questi ci fu László Moholy-Nagy, celebre pittore e fotografo ungherese, che si trasferì a Chicago dando vita a un nuovo capitolo nella storia della Bauhaus, fondando la scuola The New Bauhaus.” Read +
Lindsay Duddy. Nov 17, 2018
”A team of filmmakers channeled their passion for architecture, art, and design into the production of an in-depth examination of Maholy’s art and vision for the future of design. The film, titled “The New Bauhaus,” utilizes specialized access to archives at the Moholy-Nagy Foundation and Maholy’s surviving daughter Hattula.” Read +
Editors. April 15, 2020
“Now, he is the subject of a new documentary film by Alysa Nahmias, The New Bauhaus, which is ’an odyssey through the life and legacy of László Moholy-Nagy, the innovative artist and educator whose pioneering approach to integrating technology into design continues to influence and inspire.‘” Read +
Audrey Wachs. April 4, 2018
“Grantees Alysa Nahmias, Petter Ringbom, Marquise Stillwell, and Erin Wright are producing a documentary on Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, the Hungarian painter and photographer.” Read +